Friday, October 20, 2017

Obama criticizes Trump. By what right?

Today, Barack Obama and George W. Bush both offered criticisms of Trumpism without actually naming Trump. In both cases, the criticisms are well-founded. Yet in both cases, I must ask: Do these former presidents have the right to say what they say?

In this post, I'm going to concentrate on Obama:
“But here’s one thing I know: if you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you’re not going to be able to govern them. You won’t be able to unite them later if that’s how you start.”
But that's how you started, Mr. Obama. I will never forget and never forgive what you did to Hillary in 2008.

Trump won using the Obama playbook. Bots and paid trolls commandeered the comments sections of every website, making it impossible for Hillary supporters to speak up online. Whenever anyone said one word in defense of Hillary, the pile-on was brutal. Obama forces relied on the incessant use of conspiracy theories: How many times, in that period, did liberal sites publish phrases like "the Bush-Clinton crime family" and "Vince Foster! Vince Foster! Vince Foster!"? Keith Olbermann, to his later regret, openly called for Hillary Clinton's murder on the air.

In 2008, anyone who offered even the mildest critique of Obama's tactics became the target of weird accusations and absurd conspiracy theories. In that topsy-turvy year, progressives decided that Paul Krugman (who offered a cautious critique of the Obama campaign) was a worse-than-Cheney ultra-conservative monster, while Arianna Huffington, Andrew Sullivan and Markos Moulitsas were all hailed as lifelong lefties. History and common sense were turned upside-down. It was insanity. 

The Daily Kos printed an incessant stream of viciously sexist insults, paranoid accusations and outright lies. Here's just the smallest sample of the kind of bullshit flung at our eyeballs every second of every minute of every hour of every day during the 2008 primary campaign:
Just slit her throat, lock her in a car boot, and drive the car into river in West Virginia. Ain’t gonna let no whore screw with the man

The heinous Hillary hag with a bullseye on her forehead is reason enough to vote for Obama

And a Drive-By Won't Be Out of the Question. What goes around, comes around. The stupid fucking bitch !!

Talk About WHITE TRASH that bitch better keep looking over her shoulder.

The Vince Foster Issue Should Be Investigated Again. Clintons just showed that their ambitions know no limit.

The Clinton death list The following is a partial list of deaths of persons connected to President Clinton during his tenure as Governor of Arkansas and/or while President of the United States and thereafter. Read the list and judge for yourself...
That, times a billion, is what we got without surcease on Huffpo, Kos, TPM and DU -- progressive sites. The Obot attacks were every bit as brutal as anything that happened in 2016. Do you remember those insulting dolls of Hillary in dominatrix costume? If you think that they were created for the right-wing market, you're kidding yourself. The sexism displayed on "liberal" sites throughout 2008 was far more blatant and unashamed than is the racism seen on Brietbart -- or, hell, even Stormfront.

Speaking of racism: Remember the darkened video smear leveled against Hillary -- a smear which was every bit as scurrilous and ginned-up as the email pseudoscandal? When I pointed out the absurdity of this charge, I was called a racist -- even though no-one could mount a technical counter-argument.

Obama won because he gamed the caucuses and flagrantly lied about a number of issues, not least among them being his alleged opposition to NAFTA. The Obots screamed "RACIST!" at anyone who dared to mention that Obama lied about his ties to Tony Rezko, at anyone who dared to point out that Obama often received money from the same shady sources who "donated" to Blagojevich, at anyone who dared to question St. Barack in any way.

I have often voted for black candidates, from Tom Bradley to Jesse Jackson -- in fact, I had favored Obama himself before I learned about his penchant for lying and graft. Nevertheless, I was called racist racist racist every day. I was reminded of a French police siren: RAY-cist RAY-cist RAY-cist RAY-cist. Eventually, one learns to tune out the sound. (You really don't want to live in a country where that alarm is heard so often one learns to tune it out.)

In fact, the "people" sounding those sirens were really bots. On this humble blog, the hate messages came in every damned hour of every damned day. We're talking about literally hundreds of pieces of hate mail every day, including outright death threats -- and most of them emanated from one IP address in Chicago.

Whenever I looked at the stats in the morning, I would smile and say "Mr. CHIGILL has been at it again;" CHIGILL (Chicago, Illinois) was how my IP tracker identified that address. It seemed bizarre for a C-level blog like mine to attract such attention. I later heard from bloggers with much smaller audiences who got hit by a similar tidal wave. When the hate-messages outnumber the actual readers, it's pretty obvious that something funny is going on -- and by "funny," I mean automated.

Mr. CHIGILL, I eventually discovered, was David Axelrod.
Obama's campaign attack dog, David Axelrod, runs a little-known company called ASK, which -- surprise, surprise -- manipulates public opinion through the creation of astroturf (fake grassroots support for a policy, company or candidate). "Persona software" was created for the purpose of astroturfing. You know damned well that a cutting-edge firm like ASK has a copy of that software.

We have discussed ASK in a previous post. One of Axelrod's campaigns involved spreading a completely false revisionist history of the California energy crisis; he did this in order to help a public utility drum up support for a rate hike.

Not only that. In previous posts, I've spoken about the fake communication I received from someone claiming to be Evelyn Pringle, the investigative reporter who did such excellent work on Obama's pattern of corruption in Illinois. I had pushed her work in these cyber-pages, and I had also corresponded with her briefly. The pseudo-Pringle message existed for the purpose of planting malware on my system, forcing me to do a thorough reformat of my C drive.

Only someone in Axelrod's shop would have cared about Pringle enough to use her name in a scheme of this sort.
So please explain to me: By what right does Obama now complain about the 2016 Trump campaign? Exactly how did the Trump 2016 campaign differ from the Obama 2008 campaign?

I guess there's one major difference: Trump had help from St. Petersburg. A glaze of treason makes Trump's crime look extra slimy. But we must then ask the next obvious question: Who was in charge of the United States intelligence community throughout 2016? Whose responsibility was it to reveal foreign interference in our election? Who held onto the intercepts which would have proven the crime?

I have a right to criticize what Team Trump did in 2016, and so do you. But Barack Obama does not.


Prowlerzee said...

Thanks for the reminder...and the behind-the-scenes. I don't know where you get the energy but I appreciate it.

Unknown said...

I second Prowlerzee. 2008 almost ended my good relationship with my sister, too - just like Trump has ruined me and my brother forever.

And don't bother with the GWB speech - Charlie Pierce does a good job on that.

mdmdstork said...

Thanks for this post. I feel like ice been hunkered down for the past 17 years, waiting for proper leadership in this country. I thought my wait would be over last November. Silly me.

Caro said...

We female Hillary supporters were dry pussy, racist, vagina voters, as I recall. When Bernie's trolls got started, we became dry pussy, anti-semitic, vagina voters.

Alessandro Machi said...

After being thrown from the side of a car in which the driver had just stolen my camera, I became instantly indoctrinated into the MSNBC led attack on Hillary Clinton in early February of 2008. My discovery of the fix against Hillary Clinton started with MSNBC's February Caucus coverage as I lay on recliner for 10 days recovering from a severely sprained ankle without any pain killers. I found the MSNBC coverage of the Clinton / Obama contest to be far more painful.

It took allowing Illinois to move their contest from the end of March to the beginning of February directly benefiting Obama. Obama, Richardson and Edwards teaming up and taking their name off the ballot in Michigan on the final afternoon of the final day for filing or un filing, then the three blasting Hillary Clinton for keeping her name on the Michigan ballot even though she had no idea of the blindside, then Hillary Clinton was not even allowed to keep the Michigan results even though Obama benefited in other states for blasting her for staying on the ballot in Michigan, not counting Florida because the Florida REPUBLICANS had moved the Florida primary date up, and after losing almost all of the Swing States to Hillary Clinton, Obama relying on his humongous win in Illinois AND a fraudulent 2 to 1 margin of victory in ALL of the caucus contests to scrape out a tiny lead.

To give you how big the ONE State of Illinois victory was for Obama and the fact it was so early in the year, Obama's delegate margin of victory in Illinois netted him as many additional delegates as Hillary Clinton got from winning ELEVEN other states and it being so early in the year followed by a month of February caucuses while thwarting Michigan and Florida going early really made the 2008 race as one sided for Obama as was possible.

Due to the closeness of the race, DNC chair Howard Dean said whomever did better over the final 10 weeks would be the nominee, Clinton won by a 55% to 45% over the final 10 weeks of the campaign, during which Donna Brazile's threat of riots in the streets if Hillary Clinton won because of her lead from the super delegates while MSNBC had been able to pressure super delegates to switch from Clinton to Obama to help nullify the gains that Hillary Clinton was making.

This why I get so mad at the Sanders supporters for crying over NOTHING in 2016 when compared to what Hillary Clinton when through in 2008.

However, in fairness, what really ended up slowing down Hillary Clinton's momentum at the end of the race to 55% to 45% was her infamous comment about sniper fire on the tarmac. She recovered from that comment, but her momentum took a critical step backwards before going forwards again. She probably would have won the final 10 weeks by a 60% to 40% margin without that sniper fire comment and who knows if the fix would still been in against her. We never did find out who the assistant was who reminded her of the sniper fire incident. But it should also be noted that the media ridicule she was put through for only being the President's wife in the White House, as if it had no political benefit, to me was a meme attack her that was worse than her sniper fire comment.

Alessandro Machi said...

So, going forward to 2016, Obama promises support to Hillary Clinton, but in exchange, Hillary Clinton has to play nice about Obama's legacy. Obama even asked Hillary Clinton to not rebuff Sander's comments against her for the good of the Democrat Party!

So what we ended up with in 2016 was FOUR Men against Hillary Clinton, Trump, Putin, Sanders, AND Obama whose support, which was tremendous, came at the LOSS of the Blue Collar States who were HURT by some of OBAMA's banking policies. Dodd / Frank could have been so much better but it treated ALL Homeowners the same, so if you were a responsible homeowner for the past 20 years, that DID NOT MATTER when it came time to save your home.

Homeowners were put in the position of having to default before they could get some type of government help. That really offended MILLIONS of Homeowners who were not house flippers. When Hillary Clinton said nothing about Obama's legacy, along with Sander's bizarre mish mash of pot for everyone, free school for everyone, and that NAFTA had ruined the country, Pro the earth is warming up and Pro Coal, Hillary Clinton had to remain quiet, only to be blasted for not having more to say when the cards dealt to her required her to be quiet or look like an ingrate for getting Obama's support and then trashing him.

So she lost the trust of millions of supporters who had voted for her in 2008. Although it is probably true that some of that support was based on racism.

On DailyPUMA, I have an RSS column feed devoted to over half a dozen former Clinton supporters from 2008 who magically were against her in 2016. Sure seems suspicious to say the least.

Anonymous said...

I've always had a love-hate relationship with Hillary, and I ask you, genuinely, how you respond to her 2008 statement about representing “hardworking Americans, white Americans.” Wasn't that racist as hell?

Joseph Cannon said...

That's NOT what she said, you lying anonymous fuck.

I'll allow you to publish here again only if you give your full name and phone number so I can call and determine that you are an actual American, not a troll in St. Petersburg. You can send the phone number privately, via email.

Under all other circumstances, this blog will publish no more of your lying bullshit.

Prowlerzee said...

Well, Anonymous Nosack, you have to admit, that Joseph's response was...genuine.

Alessandro Machi said...

I checked both of my long comments and now that I look at it again, I left out a few key words, I may delete and repost them. Too bad there is no edit function for comments.